Thursday, March 22, 2007


I can't say that I am crazy about this book. I would be done with it now if the Ellis didn't waste his time on ridiculous amounts of clothing descriptions and sexual acts. The book is suppose to be a satire on the life styles of the rich in the 80's, but it seems to be about a whole lot of nothing. He did manage to portray the characters lives as empty and meaningless, much like this book. I guess if that was the effect he was going for he succeeded, but it doesn't make for a good read. There is a bit of a psychological conflict between what the narrator describes and reality that is linked closely to the character's sanity. If that portion of the book was drawn out more perhaps it would be more interesting.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Hmmmm, descriptions of clothing and sexual acts, huh? I think I'll go out and check it out tomorrow! Sounds intriguing!

So, what you're saying is that the book was as bland as the movie, huh? There didn't seem to be much meat to the movie, so I'm not too surprised, even taking into account the 50% loss of meat that Hollywood generally applies.