Monday, March 12, 2007


I have finished my brochure with the help of Josh. I have shown it to my co-workers, and most of them thought it was professionally done. Josh was a great technician and design advisor. I learned a lot about photo shop, and with more practice I will become an expert, like Josh. It took a long time to create, but there was a lot of detail in the design elements of the text and pictures. I need to print them out and mail them, which I will do it tomorrow. I am going to take them to the post office because I only have one stamp left. I will probably need to pay for extra postage, since I am going to add the restaurant menus with a little note from the tour organizer. Take a look , and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Sure, I helped, but you did do most of the work. You're a quick learner, you are!