Monday, March 5, 2007


I am creating a brochure with an itinerary for the people in my Grand Canyon Expedition. I've created an outline with a time line including events and food. The first day is mostly restful to help recover from driving all that way. We will be getting up late, and leisurely making our way to the IMAX. After exploring all that the area has to offer (maybe picking up a snack) we will make our way to an early dinner to allow time for a sunset tour. The next day we will be attending a luxury tour of the rim that includes a gourmet picnic. Then the group will have the option to go shopping, before partaking in delicious cuisine. The last day my dad and I will hike the canyon, while my mom and grandma do their own thing. I am going to spend my day off tomorrow to finalize my plans. I might do some homework and work on my graduate personal statement for my application packet. I'm trying to procrastinate on those things though.

1 comment:

XerxesDGreat said...

Hey, you want some help creating the brochure? I can lend you some assistance for payment. A favor for a favor, whaddyasay?