Thursday, May 10, 2007


I have returned from the hiking expedition to the bottom of the canyon and up again. The trip as a whole was wonderful, except a few hitches. Dad had allergies causing him to be sightly grumpy, but other than that everything went rather smoothly. Everyone enjoyed the sunset tour, and the picnic tour. We were lucky enough to see four California Condors, as well as a small herd of mammals (not sure what they were). We even saw a bunny on Easter. The hike was splattered with an array of native plants that are startling to see in a dessert environment. I saw many different flowering plants and even groves of trees on the bottom of the canyon. I took as many pictures as possible, but I still had to keep up with Dad, so I missed some. We started hiking at 6 and finished by 1. We did good, I don't know why Dad has to hurry through and miss stuff. I kind of twisted my knee, and it is finally starting to feel better. I haven't exercised in over a month. I need to get back to normal so I can hike Yosemite with Dad in June. I haven't pickup up my pictures yet, but I will post them with more detail of the trip when I do. Next trip might be the wine country, skiing in the Alps, or West Coast drive up North. I will begin planning as well as looking for a new job in a couple of weeks, once schools out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you reagle us with Wingdings. Or did you absorb some ancient language on your way to the bottom?
Or you have provided us with a long puzzle to work on in our spare time...