Thursday, March 22, 2007


I can't say that I am crazy about this book. I would be done with it now if the Ellis didn't waste his time on ridiculous amounts of clothing descriptions and sexual acts. The book is suppose to be a satire on the life styles of the rich in the 80's, but it seems to be about a whole lot of nothing. He did manage to portray the characters lives as empty and meaningless, much like this book. I guess if that was the effect he was going for he succeeded, but it doesn't make for a good read. There is a bit of a psychological conflict between what the narrator describes and reality that is linked closely to the character's sanity. If that portion of the book was drawn out more perhaps it would be more interesting.

Monday, March 12, 2007


I have finished my brochure with the help of Josh. I have shown it to my co-workers, and most of them thought it was professionally done. Josh was a great technician and design advisor. I learned a lot about photo shop, and with more practice I will become an expert, like Josh. It took a long time to create, but there was a lot of detail in the design elements of the text and pictures. I need to print them out and mail them, which I will do it tomorrow. I am going to take them to the post office because I only have one stamp left. I will probably need to pay for extra postage, since I am going to add the restaurant menus with a little note from the tour organizer. Take a look , and let me know what you think.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Stressed Out

My cowboy is stressed out and needs some TLC. He's graduating, moving at work and home. He is overwhelmed with all the stuff he has on his plate. I think he needs some cheering up. I want to do something nice for him, and would like some suggestions. Please leave comments, or better yet send him a little cheer yourself.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Vacation Preview

Our Pimped Out Ride
The two pictures on the outside of this text are the exterior of the hotel and of the room.

This is the torture trail my crazy, insane dad and I are planning on killing ourselves on. The trail is 6.1 mile to the bottom, about a 3000 elevation change, and the temperatures can be high. We are thinking about going down and up in a day. We hiked Half Dome, which is a higher elevation change and more miles in 9 hours.

The picture to the right is a sample of the gourmet picnic that will be included on my Grand Canyon Expedition Scenic Rim Tour. We will be riding in a luxury vehicle as we stop at choice locations to enjoy the beautiful views of Indian cliff dwellings, native wildlife, unique vistas, and Indian petroglyphs. High powered telescopes will be provided to reveal hidden abandoned mines, caves, and secret fossil beds.

The Customized Expedition also includes a sunset tour. The tour will provide a wonderful opportunity to take stunning pictures like the one on the left as the sun's light reflects a dazzling array of reds off the canyon walls.

These are the options of places to dine, and the food looks fabulous.

Monday, March 5, 2007


I am creating a brochure with an itinerary for the people in my Grand Canyon Expedition. I've created an outline with a time line including events and food. The first day is mostly restful to help recover from driving all that way. We will be getting up late, and leisurely making our way to the IMAX. After exploring all that the area has to offer (maybe picking up a snack) we will make our way to an early dinner to allow time for a sunset tour. The next day we will be attending a luxury tour of the rim that includes a gourmet picnic. Then the group will have the option to go shopping, before partaking in delicious cuisine. The last day my dad and I will hike the canyon, while my mom and grandma do their own thing. I am going to spend my day off tomorrow to finalize my plans. I might do some homework and work on my graduate personal statement for my application packet. I'm trying to procrastinate on those things though.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Future Travel Plans

Hopefully, if my work lets me have the days off, I will be going to the Grand Canyon with my parents and Muff. We are planning to take a mini tour in a luxury vehicle. My dad and I will probably risk a hike from the bottom to the top. We are all going to take part in a Sunset excursion, as well as eat at fancy restaurants. The only part that might not be that fun is the driving. I am looking forward to showing off the Grand Canyon to my family for the first time.

Current Reading

I am currently reading American Psycho, recommended by Matt Japer. He previously loaned me the movie that I thought was okay. He thought that I would like the book much better. Before starting American Psycho I was reading White Fang. I stole that from Josh, because I didn't think it was good enough to buy. It was much better than I thought. Jack London did a good job of giving the dogs' human like characteristics that allowed me to sympathize with their circumstances. I would recommend that book.


I have added several pictures, a list of my favorites in movies and books, as well as a reading wish list. Please feel free to make any recommendations of movies and books you think I would enjoy. I will be adding a movie wish list starting with The 300, Hanabal Rising, and the Transformers. I am open minded, and will add any recommendations whether books or movies to my list. When I've view or read them I will post my thoughts.